I need to let you in on a little secret...the Environmental Working Group (EWG). You will see as we get to know each other, I reference them A LOT. I thought it would be helpful for me to explain who the EWG is so you don't forever wonder what in the world I am talking about.
The Environmental Working Group speaks my love language. Their mission is to empower people to live healthier lives in a healthier environment, who the heck doesn't want that?! They are a non-profit, non-partisan organization that work for us (that is me and you). They have a team of scientists, policy experts, lawyers, communication experts and programmers who ALL work their butts off to stand up for public health. Why do we need them to stand up for public health? That is a story for another time, but the gist of it is there are a lot of people and industry folk out there who aren't necessarily concerned about our health, they care more about making a profit for themselves than they do about the health of you and me. That is where the EWG steps in and fights for us. So now you can think "hell ya, I know who the EWG is...they are a group of outstanding people trying to improve the health of all of us."
If you can find 2 minutes and 53 seconds in your day (maybe skip watching cat videos on youtube?), watch the video below and you will have an even deeper understanding of the EWG.